More Linden info
Beloved herb symbolically known for justice.

Beloved for its light and citrusy taste, linden tea and honey have been enjoyed for thousands of years. The light-yellow blooms are used for many purposes, notably to calm and soothe. Since ancient times, this plant has been used as an antispasmodic to ease digestion, stress, and bodily tension. It’s gentle enough for kids, and can be used to calm the nerves before bedtime.*

Linden is a sacred tree in many cultures. German mythology connects this tree to Freyja, the goddess of fertility. It was also said that it was impossible to lie while beneath a linden tree, making it a powerful place for judicial hearings, weddings, and celebrations.
It is noted in Slavic mythology as “Holy Lime,” and many villages bear its name. In the Baltics, it’s related to the goddess of fate, Laima. She was said to dwell there and make decisions about life and fertility for others. Because of this, women used to pray under this tree for good luck.
When the bodhi tree was unavailable in northern China, linden was planted because of its similar heart-shaped leaves. Sometimes called by the same name, though not directly related, you could find these trees outside Buddhist temples.

Sometimes called “lime tree” in Britain and Ireland, linden has a citrusy taste but is a stranger to the citrus family. It’s actually in the Malvaceae family, along with cocoa, cotton, durian, and okra. You can spot the tree by its bright green asymmetrical heart-shaped leaves, sturdy trunk, and fragrant pale-yellow flowers. Many linden trees have survived hundreds (sometimes thousands) of years.
Propagated by seed, cuttings, and grafting—this tree is relatively easy to grow, and even more so once established. They have a loose canopy and can thrive in full sun to partial shade in moist climates. It adapts to many different soil types but prefers to be well-drained. If you live in the U.S., linden is marked for Hardiness Zones 3 – 8, making it possible to grow in almost every state.
Products that contain Linden
Nighty Night® Tea
Nighty Night tea combines passionflower with calming chamomile...
Additional Information
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The information and other content in this article are designed to provide a general overview of the botany, cultural history, and traditional uses of this herb. It is not intended and should not be construed as health advice. Every person is unique and you should consult with your health care provider before using any herbal product or supplement.

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